All our coaches are CrossFit qualified. Their role is give you the best hour of your day, ensure you’re moving well and having fun!

  • Ryan

    Your choice of workout music?
    I listen to it all. Rap to rock to country to pop to the Greatest Showman. Right now I’m in a bit of a 2000s punk phase.

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    In a commercial gym, went to do med ball slams not realising it was one of those bouncy heavy balls. First rep the ball flew back up to smash me in the face.

    Favourite WOD?
    Jackie - the first CrossFit workout I did, it was in a commercial gym so got a lot of strange looks. I love a workout with a bit of everything - machine work, weightlifting and gymnastics. It’s also my mum’s name so that will get me brownie points.

    Guilty pleasure?
    An evening alone to binge Modern Family or New Girl whilst eating cheese cake.

  • Mark

    Your choice of workout music?
    Cher or SlipKnot

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    Missing the start of a workout because I was too busy dancing around

    Favourite WOD?
    Holleyman or DT

    Guilty pleasure?
    Compilation videos of The Voice Blind Auditions from around the world.

  • Cagri

    Your choice of workout music?

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    Dropping 120kg barbell on my feet

    Favourite WOD?

    Guilty pleasure?
    Watching cat videos as I go to sleep

  • Charles

    Your choice of workout music?
    The sadder and slower the better. Or movie title music, think Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings. Probably best I train by myself.

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    First time I tried ring handstand push ups was probably up there for me… I’ll leave the rest to your imagination

    Favourite WOD?
    Anything threshold/interval based, specifically monostructural, specifically on the ski erg. basically I love ski.

    Guilty pleasure?
    Pizza. I know what you’re thinking. That’s not a guilty pleasure. But trust me, the quality and frequency I consume pizza I assure you it’s guilty. And a pleasure.

  • Adam

    Your choice of workout music?
    Too much to choose from I’ve gone off how many songs I can play in a row before a dud comes on or I go mad. On that I gotta go for Nirvana.

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    Misreading the winners of a team comp as ‘the fat fuckers’. They were actually the Fit Fuckers. I made zero friends that day.

    Favorite WOD?
    Helen. Super simple but means you can push really hard and try to go unbroken.

    Guilty Pleasure?
    Ru Paul Drag Race. It’s a smile on my face when it’s been needed.

  • Yara

    Your choice of workout music?
    If the intensity is high, it’s a split between rap/hip-hop (think Kendrick, Drake, Kanye, Jay Z…) OR guilty pleasures 2000s….self explanatory. If it’s something like weightlifting or bodybuilding, I’m down for a bit of country music.

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    There are definitely many, but the worst has got to be getting my first legless rope climb and being SO fatigued at the top that I slid down the rope and nearly ripped all the skin off my fingers….I have pictures if anyone is keen to see the damage (it’s not nice)

    Favourite WOD?
    Heavy cleans, deadlifts, and toes to bar in a workout are my jam.

    Guilty pleasure?
    Anything lemon

  • VIKI

    Your choice of workout music?
    Rap, House or Drum and Base - whatever energy is needed for the session 😁

    Biggest CrossFit fail?
    Haha, recently actually, biggest slap ever from a band that was meant to support bar muscle up drills instead

    Favourite movement?
    Gymnastics hands down. Once I achieve a muscle up it will definitely be that, but all gymnastics is a go, I’ll always want to get some more in there, unlike engine work!

    Guilty pleasure?
    Lazy afternoon with a good film

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